Monday 21 January 2013

Article on Global Warming

The word Global warming has a major concern in today’s modern world. Global Warming is mainly the rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It affects the natural habitat on the earth. Do you know that daily our earth’s atmosphere get rise by some per cent due to global warming? It is only due to we greedy humans .We don’t care about anything  instead of getting long term benefits we believe in short term benefits.

The day by day use of petrol, kerosene, diesels in vehicles, smoke  emitted  by the factories in to the air, deforestation all this results in the development of  Greenhouse  gases .Greenhouse gases i.e.  The major component that leads to all Global warming .Greenhouse gases such as CFCS, CO2, methane, nitrous oxide etc.  Are very harmful and thus making our earth sick day to day. The modernisation results in building of factories which need land and thus results in cutting down of trees .Trees are the main source on the earth which prevents Global Warming up to a greater extent .Greater population is also a factor that results in cutting of trees due increase in demand of furniture and other goods .From the current analysis we know that only small amount of tropical forest are left on this earth.

The global warming has a very adverse effect on mankind on earth. It causes a great harm to the crop growing atmosphere and the fertility of the soil. The soil has become too much acidic due to the use of chemicals and after some years we might face drought problems in some areas. It unexpectedly causes tides and thus Tsunamis and Earthquakes that are the major symptom’s which leads to vanishment. The day by day increase in depletion of ozone layer will also lead to the diseases such as skin cancer, sun burns due to the incoming ultraviolet rays that are very harmful for us. Global Warming may lead to the extension of many species on earth as it will greatly affect the forest and disturbs the ecological balance of the earth.

Major techniques should be applied to reduce the Global Warming. First of all less use of vehicles, factories emitting smoke by chimneys should have filters so that the smoke can be filtered and the harmful chemicals can be taken out from it. Everyone should mean his or her duty to plant many- many trees and care about them. Because trees are the major factor left with us which can take us out this hazardous problem. There should be proper burning systems for scrap and wastage. Renewable sources of energy should be used as it is non-polluting and very efficient. These renewable sources of energy are solar energy and wind energy. Hydro-electricity is also of considerable use. Lastly, treatment appliances should be applied on the sources of greenhouse gases which are carbon dioxide and methane, so that they may not violate the atmospheric balance.

Now the alarming tone is over and we have reached very near to the destruction and thus we have to start caring about our earth because if today we can’t get up from our sleep then there will be no one left on this earth to cry with us.


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